Just 40 miles south of the Mel Price lock and dam at Alton Ill. on the Mighty Mississippi, and over a hundred and fifty years back in time is the town of Kimswick Mo. Here's where Hoppies Marina is found. It's a wonderful gem to all boaters! The oldest marina west of the Mississippi river, Hoppies is a "must stop over" for all boats going south. No gasoline is sold south of Hoppie's on the rivers until you get to Kentucky Lake.

The marina , like the town is steeped in history and a real "down home" experience. Ask any "Great Loop" boater about Hoppies and the stories start coming.

Fern, Hoppie's wife is known to be the absolute authority on the Mississippi river south to the Lakes. She often holds sessions on the dock to suggest anchorages and give tips on the river conditions. These meetings are much appreciated by all who are going down river.

As you leave the Alton pool heading for the lock you see the beautiful bluffs on the Ill. Side .

The scenic river town of Grafton has places to visit if you choose to stop there on your way.

Hoppies marina consists of a long line of barges tied together to make a very stable dock. You have electric power, water, and gasoline and diesel fuel. Just a short walk into town rewards the boater with some of the most fabulous food and a step back into historic Kimswick.

Appetisers on the dock with friends is a daily routine when we are there.

"Dock 6" boats, from our marina "Port Charles Harbor" when heading to Kimswick, for the fall Apple Butter Festival. Many Loopers also stop at our marina, Port Charles Harbor at mile RDB 221.5, owmed by Hoppie's nephew Paul Hopkins.

A favorite stop in Kimswick is the Blue Owl Restaurant. Their vegetable soup is my favorite. Just look at the toppings on those pies!

Passing the arch is always exciting when going south and is a memorable sight that "Great Loopers" often recall..

Melvin Price lock and dam on the Mississippi R.. This is the escape hatch from the Alton pool to adventures beyond!
Great Post, Capt Dave!
ReplyDeleteMeeting Fern was one of the highlights of our trip south.
Miss you guys... Hope to see you again at Port Charles when you finish "The Loop"