One of the exciting excursions on the upper Mississippi in our area at Port Charles Harbor is a "carp cruise". The old pontoon boat owned by our dock neighbors Doug and Donna has been named the WHITE TRASH PALACE.
The "WTP" usually holds 8 or 9 guests on the cruise, and all are required to wear a protective helmet. Donna bought a selection of 10 helmets at a garage sale for $11.
When on a "Carp Cruise" the sides can be rolled up but many of the guests become so scared that they want them down.

We have become known to be plagued by these jumping fish that are multiplying faster than the other flora in our river. They have become a dangerous hazard to boaters in slower boats where the fish have hit people and caused injury!
Some "Dock Six" friends on the "WTP" with out the required helmets.( women are so vain)!!

Now that the flood waters are dropping come see us.

Captain of the WHITE TRASH PALACE Doug wearing his protective glasses on dock six at Port Charles Harbor.

Transient boaters staying at Port Charles take the "CARP" cruise. They are now in New York on the boat "Fandango" completing "the Loop" on the Mowhak river,
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