The 65 foot Azmit arrives at Port Charles Harbor at mile 221.5 on the Mississippi R. after being transported from Italy to NYC by container ship and then to St Charles Mo. by water. I'm told it lists for $3,200,000.00.

After being lifted in the 60 ton travel lift,. the yacht is moved to the trailer on which it will be transported to the Lake of the Ozarks where MarineMax will make delivery to its new owner.

Many measurements and modifications will have to be made at Port Charles so the yacht will fit under the bridges on the highways. Power lines will have to come down temporarly also on the way. The Highway Patrol and UE will have to be paid to escort the trip.

To make initial measurements, perfect placement must be achieved over the trailer.

Marina owner Paul directs the operation as the

yacht is backed up over the trailer. Every inch will count as parts of the yacht will have to be removed.

The process will determine whether Union Electric will have to be paid to accompany the boat all the way to Osage Beach or just at short intervals.

Yep, those rudders gotta go. And the prop shafts and struts also.

Still gonna be too high???

Is she "Dead Center"?

Roger, the fellow leading the MarineMax team who brought the Azmit by water to Port Charles takes a break.

The truck that will transport the yacht to "the Lake"

Its determined that the Fly-bridge arch will have to be removed.

There it goes! Paul very carefully backs the lift away ensuring now that the boat and trailer will make it all the way with out hitting any bridges or power lines!

As the final removal step is taken, the fellows on the team give it a jubilant thumbs up as its been rather tense up to this point!

Now she is ready to be loaded back on the trailer and shipped to the Lake where MarineMax will reassemble her prior to delivery to her new owner as good as new. JoAnn and I got to tour her inside and found the yacht to be breath-tacking in beauty, The Italian built yacht is gorgeous!