Leaving entrance to Captiva's South Sea Yacht Harbor

Friends (and fellow boaters) who joined us in Fort Myers Fla. on dock at Anna Marie Island where they left us to return home.
Railroad swing bridge

Having fun at the "Bubble Room" resturant on Captiva Island.

Guest state room bed ( not the Queen Mary)

Friends Donna and Bob Soos met us for lunch and to visit in Tarpon Springs just north of Tampa.

Municiple dock at Tarpon

Harvey the Heron eating part of my lunch.

Deserts at Hella's greek resturant.

Sea Hag Marina (the best place to stay) in Steinhattche . Depth further up the river from the Gulf gets dangerously shallow. Steinhattche is the :jumpping" off spot to cross the Gulf of Mexico in the "Big Bend" area to Carabelle Fla.
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