Manatees are gentle giants related to elephants way back in time. They are vegans and move very slowly.
Like your pet dog they actually have come to our boat when our friend Chet Suske whistled to them.
Slow and bulky these guys are subject to much danger from boats.
They love fresh water and will seek out opertunities to get it like this hose left running, but letting them drink from your hose further erases their fear of humans,
Scars from propeller dammage are seen frequently.
These pictures are a compilation of shots taken by us, by friends Tom and Lisa Stiefavter, cruising with us and by visiting friend Chet Suske, while docked at Captiva Island's South Seas Yacht Basin . Also some of the pics are from Mike and Judy's blog on "One September"
The Blog "One September" can be accessed by clicking on our profile and then clicking on "One September" listed under the blogs we follow. They are doing the Loop in an awesome boat and take many beautiful pictures.
When cruisung in warm waters always obey the Manatee warning signs as these guys aren"t expected to survive in the long term.
Each time we've stayed at Captiva Island the manatees were there and actually cleaned the bottom of "Great Escape"
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