Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends doing the Loop where ever you are! And to our friends who are "dirt dwellers" as we are now. Please give yourselves a little treat by reading the other blogs attached to our profile. Blogs like "Water Music", "Why Knot", Or "Fandango" or "One September" or "Swing Set". By following these blogs you can get a real feel of what its like to live aboard and travel on a boat! Simply click on "our profile" and pick out a blog to read from the list. (Picture of the Moorings marina in Carrabelle Fla. above.)

Carrabelle river. If you get the idea we miss doing this, you're right! This week "Swing Set" said in their blog, that they lost their Anchor on the Calossahattche river . Now let me think. Would I rather be here in St. Louis waiting for winter with the boat winterised at the dock, or looking for a new anchor like Mike and Rosie, in Ft. Myers Florida??? Hmmmm?

Carrabelle river enterance off of St George Sound. Note Port Charles Harbor burgee in lower left corner on our "Great Escape"..

Carrabelle Fla

JoAnn and I while at Sail Fish Marina bringing "Great Escape" home. It was announced at the AGLCA meeting in Joe Wheeler, there will be "pot luck" thanksgiving dinners in the Fairhope Ala. and Dog River areas for all those Loopers who are away from their home ports. The harbor hosts as I understand it, are cooking the turkeys and the Loopers should bring a dish. JoAnn and I whish we were there to celebrate with you all! (for new readers the term "Loopers" refers to people who are in the process of or who have finished cruising the Loop. A counter clockwise route by water around the eastern half of the United States) Stay dry and keep your pointy end into the wind.
well this kind of weather conditions are always awesome for Yacht Rental Dubai