After leaving Aqua Yacht Harbor at the top of the Tennessee-Tom Bigbee Waterway we cruised across Pickwick Lake and locked through the Pickwick Lock to the Kentucky Lake.

We passed Mermaid marina where we have stayed in the past. In fact I remember calling the Marina to ask directions as how to find their entrance the first time we stayed there. I told the owner on the marine radio, I was coming up to a bend in the river and was concerned that I might go by their entrance. He told me finding that wouldn't be a problem. Then I saw their sign!

Cuba Landing Marina

Tennessee River

Cuba Landing

Approaching a Tow with barges on the "one whistle" side. Coast guard "rules of the road" call for a one short blast of the horns to signify a request to pass port to port and two short blasts to pass starboard to starboard. The other craft will answer with the same if this is acceptable. Usually when there is plenty of room to pass as in this picture we don't do the whistle thing as its understood by both parties whats going on. When in cramped turns I'll call the towboat captain and ask which side to pass on. He'll come back with "see me on the one" or "I'll see you on the two" etc.

Kentucky Dam Marina is the last stop on Kentucky Lake before going on through the dam and doing the Ohio river to get to the Mississippi
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