Fishing boat night before leaving Steinhattche to cross the Gulf. In bad morning fog, they told us to follow them out to the channel to deep water in the "Gulf" and the fog "would burn off in 15-20 minets"!

Treacherous shallow water along side the channel while leaving Steinhattache in fog!

Don't even try to see the fishing boat we were following! Once out of the channel and into the Gulf this was our visability for 50 miles.

Our toys include the depth sonar left, Chart plotter (lit up), and Radar on the right.

Chart plotter screen shows the marked dredged channel we negotiated blindly in fog. The 1s and 2s outside the channel are 1 and 2 foot depths. And those markers are far apart and impossible to see in fog.

Radar antenna that sends out a beam that bounces off of objects and creates a blip on the screen that shows where the navigation aides (that mark the channel) and other boats are around you for 40 miles out.

Radar screen at helm

After 50 miles and 5 hours of running in dense fog, in the blink of an eye we're in the bright sunlight and in another 50 miles we see the sandy shore of St George Island and the entrance channel (red bouy#2) to Carrabelle. Due to our earths curvature, the horizon on water is 7 miles.

Only town I know of where the police station is a phone booth.

We bought tee-shirts that said "We Made it Accrost the Gulf". Although this was our third time to cross we took the shortest route in the fog and it really felt good to get acrost this time! Moorings Marina in Carrabelle.
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