Remembering and looking forward to the great sunsets while at anchor. WE'VE PROMISED OURSELVES that if we don't sell Great Escape by next fall WE ARE TAKING HER SOUTH FOR ANOTHER ADVENTURE!!!

Kentucky Dam Marina will be an early stop on our way to SALT WATER.

Twenty some odd locks and dams await us.

Anchoring in the "Little River Diversion Channel" will be the next stop after topping off the diesel at------------

Hoppi's Marina at Kimmswick Mo. Little River Diversion Channel was designed by a fella named Eades who also built the famous St Louis bridge over the Mississippi river.

One reason I feel the Pilothouse Bayliner is the perfect cruiser is the awesome visibility from the lower helm when you want to cruise in heated, or air conditioned comfort. Unlike other cruisers the view is totally unobstructed.

We will have friends at times cruising with us and the spacious saloon is a great area to "kick back" and have a cool one after a day of travel.

Pilot house and other pictures of our boat can be seen on River Bills Web site where we have listed her for sale.

We'll say our good by to the Arch

When going thru locks and dams the most important issue is to have a "CENTER" cleat to attach the boat to the lock wall. We never have to use boat polls and look clumsy due to the center cleat.

The engine room will be spiffy and all filters will be changed before leaving. Next blog will be Kentucky lake and beyond See Our Add on River Bills Site